Travel platform

Travel Policy

Because business travel, especially air travel, is the largest source of carbon emissions at the University, making improvements in this area is both imperative and worthwhile.

The University has a traffic light system in place that determines which European destinations have to be traveled to by train or rather for which destinations the train takes priority over air travel and for which trips air travel is indispensable. It goes without saying that a University’s research activities and international contacts will continue to require air travel in the future, as well.

Criteria for the traffic light system

Kriterien Ampelsystem

In the yellow category, travel by train must take precedence over travel by plane. If a choice is still made to travel by air, a reason must be indicated in the booking.

Acceptable reasons are:

  • compatibility of care tasks and work
  • health impairments of the person traveling 
  • mandatory operational requirements

Please note: When bookings are made via the online booking tool, you will see an icon indicating whether the connection chosen complies with or violates the Regulations concerning business travel (in German). Each individual is responsible for ensuring their own compliance with the University’s travel policy. No formal requests are envisaged in the event of deviations. One of the three reasons must be provided for any deviations from the policy, however.